Can Opioid Prescriptions Cause Birth Defects?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), report that almost one-third of women of reproductive age had an opioid prescription from 2008 to 2012. These prescriptions can significantly increase the chance for a birth defect.
Photo of prescription bottles and medication
Opioid prescriptions are known to cause brain, spine, abdomen and heart defects. Additionally, about one out of every 10 babies born from a mother on an opioid prescription is born addicted.

Common opioid prescriptions include oxycodone, hydrocodone and codeine. Birth defects due to medication can be proven and lead to pharmaceutical litigation.

What Birth Defects Can an Opioid Prescription Cause?

Opioid prescriptions are known to increase the risk of a wide range of birth defects, including:

  • Congenital heart defects
  • Neural tube defects, such as spina bifida
  • Gastroschisis

It is strongly encouraged that you seek a physician’s advice if you are pregnant or wish to become pregnant.

Pharmaceutical and health care providers can fail to warn expecting mothers of the risks involved in taking their medication. Children born with birth defects caused by bad medicine could require a lifetime of costly hospital visits and therapy.

A Florida pharmaceutical litigation attorney can aggressively take on powerful pharmaceutical companies and secure financial damages for the injury and pain caused to you and your child. Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date on how we help families hurt by pharmaceutical negligence.

Farrell & Patel – Birth Injury Lawyers
