A settlement fund rewarding up to $5 million each to severely injured former NFL players has been approved by Federal District Court Judge Anita Brody. While the lawsuit that led to this settlement is the result of actions brought by more than 5,000 ex-NFL players, the NFL concussion settlement fund applies to all players who retired on or before July 7, 2014 and to the family members of players who died before July 7, 2014.

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This fund entitles all qualified retired NFL players to financial compensation based upon playing time, age and concussion-related neurological problems. While this may seem straightforward, the registration process and required baseline neurological testing is complicated. Working with one of our NFL concussion lawyers can help retired players and families maximize their potential financial awards and also helps ensure that the complex registration paperwork is properly submitted so that disqualification does not occur.

The NFL concussion settlement allows players to make an appeal if and when they suffer from worsening or new symptoms of neurological damage associated with concussions and head trauma. However, all qualified players need to register now to protect themselves, their families and their future financial health.

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It is important to register quickly and utilize independent legal counsel, like Farrell & Patel, as soon as possible. There are many reasons for this urgency but the primary one is that, once the final appeal has been completed, all retired players that have not yet registered must see an NFL-approved doctor for both their baseline neurological testing as well as any other additional neurological tests that need to be ordered. This may have a direct impact on the compensation that players receive in the future.

We will work with you to make the most of your registration and protect you and your family’s financial future. That means we will be here for you as needed to make sure that you get proper neurological testing, submit timely documents, make appeals and do other critical tasks to help maximize your specific award.

We advise retired NFL players on their claim opportunities and help them pursue their NFL settlement awards on a contingency fee basis. Contact Farrell & Patel today for a free, no-obligation consultation to learn more.