What Causes Spinal Cord Birth Injuries?

Difficult deliveries that are not handled properly can result in spinal cord birth injuries if the healthcare professional makes a mistake. A newborn can be stuck in the birth canal, which could lead to spinal damage in the attempt to pull the baby out of the birth canal. In some instances, the spinal cord can be overstretched, which can lead to severe and permanent damage.

What is a Common Spinal Birth Injury Caused by Medical Malpractice?

One common spinal injury caused by healthcare negligence is Erb’s palsy, which is a form of brachial plexus palsy. It is a disorder involving a network of nerves around the spinal region, the neck and upper arms. About two newborns out of every 1,000 births involve Erb’s palsy.

Avulsions are the most dangerous type of Erb’s palsy injuries. This occurs when the nerves are severed from the spinal cord, which can happen with the use of forceps or a vacuum. This injury can cause a loss of function in an arm, but can possibly be restored with nerve transfer surgery.

If a doctor injures your baby, then you should speak to a specialized birth injury attorney to see what kind of options you have for a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Our attorneys have dedicated their lives to helping injured children through litigation and charities, such as the Miami Children’s Hospital. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to see how we aim to make the lives of birth injury victims in Florida a little better.

Farrell & Patel – Birth Injury Lawyers

Did You Know? Erb’s palsy is named after, Wilhelm Erb, who first described the condition in 1874.

Source: http://pubs.rsna.org/doi/pdf/10.1148/radiographics.20.4.g00jl06923