Is Tetracycline Harmful to Unborn Children?

The antibiotic tetracycline is a powerful antibiotic used to treat infections in the urinary and respiratory tracts, as well as intestinal infections. Additionally, skin conditions, such as rosacea, can be treated with this drug. Tetracycline antibiotics include minocycline, oxytetracyclin and doxycycline.

Unfortunately, tetracycline also increases the risk of birth defects, and it has been accurately labeled a class D pregnancy drug for this risk.

What Birth Defects Can Tetracycline Cause?

The following birth defects are most likely to occur if this medication is used during the second or third trimesters:

  • Tooth discoloration, such as yellow, brown or graying of the baby teeth. This is because of the calcification of the teeth.
  • Bone developmental problems, such as reduced bone growth.
  • Tetracycline-induced hepatotoxicity can result in premature births and stillborn births.

There is some debate whether or not inguinal hernia, a protrusion of the abdominal cavity, is linked to tetracycline.

In addition to these birth defects, the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) notes that the drug can also harm nursing babies. As with any medication that you are taking when pregnant, or if you plan to have children, you should consult your physician about your medication.

Healthcare providers and pharmaceutical companies are required to warn consumers of the dangers that their medicine poses to mothers and their children. When they neglect to inform people, they may be liable for a lawsuit for injuring a child.

To find out more about harmful medication, you can follow our firm on Twitter and Facebook to see how we help injured children and their families in Miami and Tampa with legal assistance and through our active role with the Miami Children’s Hospital.

Farrell & Patel – Birth Injury Lawyers